My DDU point form notes on lung and pleural ultrasound…
The rest of my DDU notes are here.
General approach
Probe and settings
McLean: phased array and curvilinear preferred, microconvex 3.5-7MHz ideal
Lichtenstein’s papers mainly use 3-3.5 MHz cardiac probes, but 2.5, 5, and 7.5MHz probes equally effective for B lines at least
Linear, high frequency probe (5-10 MHz) also used but not suitable for pleural
Marker cephalad
Standardized depth (18 cm) in some studies – McLean suggests 5-8 cm
“Stages” or zones
from Lichtenstein
Stage | Area scanned | Looking for… |
1 | anterior | lung sliding, B-lines |
2 | lateral (between anterior and posterior axillary lines) | substantial pleural effusions or alveolar consolidation |
3 | posterior to posterior axillary line – slight turn of patient + short probe | effusions and consolidation |
4 | rarely done in Lichtenstein’s papers – involves full lateral decubitus |
in some papers he divides these into upper and lower
cf McLean et al advocate scanning along anterior, lateral (=anterior axillary) and posterior (=posterior axillary) lines
between acoustic shadow of ribs for pleural line
~0.5 cm deeper than ribs
horizontal, hyperechoic
normally see lung sliding and A lines
A lines
horizontal lines
regularly repeating
↓ intensity with depth
with aerated lung USS is scattered and >90% reflected (impedance mismatch), doesn’t penetrate much past pleura → appearance of multiple interfaces repeating at skin-pleural interval
B lines
= ultrasound lung comets = long comet-tail artifacts = a ring down artefact created by multiple very closely spaced pseudointerfaces, probably created by oedematous subpleural interlobular septae (collects here early in oedema)
hyperechoic, well defined, no ↓ intensity with depth
from pleural line to edge of screen
move with lung sliding
erase A lines
Distance between B lines
7 mm correspond to subpleural interlobular septae
≤ 3 mm / coalescing more severe → correspond to ground glass areas on CT, more fluid
fully coalesced “white lung” is most severe form – no A lines seen
number correlates with EVLW
not always pathological
single anterior B line, or multiple lateral B-lines in 10th or 11th intercostal space considered normal
seen in 1/3 of healthy volunteers
Lung pulse
appear as vertical bands on M mode after each QRS
tends to correlate with lack of lung sliding (but not deflation)
rules out pneumothorax
in normals, along with lung sliding
in absence of lung sliding in
apnoea, bilaterally
normal lungs with RMB intubation, on left side – 93% sensitive and 100% specific to detect RMB intubation in setting of healthy lungs
obstruction → consider bronch
in ARDS patients
6 features
at thoracic level
real, not artefact
tissue like pattern (Hepatisation)
superficial: pleural line / pleural effusion
usually with aerated lung – irregular, hyperechoic line – “shred sign”
or whole lobe involvement – regular boundary
lack of sinusoid sign
ie doesn’t move towards chest wall with inspiration
air bronchograms
Air bronchograms
both consolidation and obstructive atelectasis may have air bronchograms on lung ultrasound
if a bronchogram moves towards the pleural surface >1mm with inspiration = “dynamic air bronchogram”
means consolidation, not atelectasis (as does lung sliding)
other air bronchograms are termed static
cf fluid filled bronchograms appear as hypo/anechoeic structures → look for bronchial obstruction
see Lichtenstein DA, Lascols N, Mezière G, Gepner A. Ultrasound diagnosis of alveolar consolidation in the critically ill. Intensive Care Med 2004;30:276–81
Test performance
USS 90% sensitive and 98% specific cf CT
false –ves cf CT usually posterior, either small or didn’t reach pleural surface
other benefits of ultrasound
can estimate thickness?
see abscesses
diagnose complications
pneumothorax, effusion
Lung sliding or comet tails
present = no pneumothorax
even 1 motionless B line / short comet tail / lung pulse also excludes pneumothorax
absent suggest pneumothorax only weakly in critically ill (PPV 56%, 27% in respiratory failure) – need lung point to confirm (only ~66% sensitive)
multiple d/dx of lost lung sliding in critically ill (basically lung is big with no airflow or small with no airflow):
hyperinflation (look for lung pulse)
phrenic nerve palsy
massive atelectasis
severe fibrosis
pleura stuck together (“acute pleural symphysis”)
Imaging sites
start in non-dependent area where pleural air will collect
i.e. apices if upright patient, anterior in supine
look anteriorly, laterally
take a loop
bar-code / stratosphere sign – abnormal
sea-shore sign – normal
colour / power Doppler
in trauma and ICU patients, mainly in Europe (Lichtenstein, Blaivas)
?sensitivity 94-100%, specificity 91-100% (but note earlier comment re PPV)
Pleural effusions
of effusion
spine sign
spine seen distal to pleural effusion
cf not seen if aerated lung prevents ultrasound transmission
of no effusion
mirror image
liver mirrored by diaphragm if aerated lung causes impedance mismatch and reflection
lung curtain
Nature of fluid
transudates are always anechoic – but anechoic effusions can be exudate
septations, swirling, bilayer effect or ↑ echogenicity suggest exudate / empyema / haemothorax
in trauma patients
sensitivity 92-97.5%, specificity 99-100%
lower risk of pneumothorax cf landmark technique when draining
Determining size
Vignon et al
interpleural distance = distance between visceral pleura and posterior chest wall when supine
use strictly transverse imaging
lowest intercostal space where diaphragm is absent from view throughout respiratory cycle
strictly supine – no tilting patient to get more posterior
measure perpendicular distance from leading edge of dependent surface of lung to trailing edge of posterior chest wall in end expiration
distance > 45 mm at R base or >50 mm at L base (L is the Roman numeral for 50) predicted a pleural effusion >800 mL, with a sensitivity of 94% and 100% and specificity of 76% and 67%, respectively
ref: Vignon P, Chastagner C, Berkane V, et al. Quantitative assessment of pleural effusion in critically ill patients by means of ultrasonography. Crit Care Med 2005;33:1757–63
Balik et al
effusion size in mL = largest distance between parietal and visceral pleura at base of lung in mm * 20
patient supine + 15° trunk elevation
2.5 MHz “intercostal probe”
posterior axillary line
transverse section
maximal distance between parietal and visceral pleura in end expiration
ref: Balik M, Plasil P, Waldauf P, et al. Ultrasound estimation of volume of pleural fluid in mechanically ventilated patients. Intensive Care Med 2006;32:318–21
Alveolar-interstitial syndrome
low frequency probe, set to 5-8cm (or 18cm in another resource)
≥ 3 B lines per space (= B+ lines = lung rockets) are seen all over chest
~93% sensitivity and specificity in diffuse alveolar interstitial syndrome, vs X-ray, in medical ICU patients
B-lines correlate with
CXR appearance
discharge diagnosis
sensitivity 70-100%, specificity 89 – 97.7%
tracks therapy eg PEEP in hours or less
cf CXR lags
useful where COPD and CHF coexist to determine cause of SOB
pneumonia / ARDS
consider if B-lines not uniform
also consider interstitial pneumonias e.g. PCP/PJP
pulmonary fibrosis
multiple bilateral B-lines
distinguish from APO by presence of more pneumonic features
↓ lung sliding (cf adjacent areas or opposite side – ARDS only)
subpleural consolidations (ARDS only)
hepatisation + air bronchograms (ARDS only)
spared areas (with B+ lines on each side of them – ARDS only)
lung pulse (no sliding, heart activity seen at pleural line – ARDS only)
pleural line abnormalities (coarse, thickenings > 2mm; also seen in ¼ of APO)
cf effusions more common to APO
change in lung ultrasound within minutes of ↑ PEEP (progressively from consolidation → subpleural consolidation → B lines → A lines)
progress from
B-lines (few → many • may be focal) →
lumpy thickened pleura →
subpleural consolidation →
like liver, but with air bronchograms (white due to reflection ± may see air moving through the bronchi)
accuracy comparable to CT in some ED studies, and outperforming CXR
Cortellaro et al
non-ambulant adult ED patients with suspected CAP
5 zones per side, 5 minute scan time total
findings in those diagnosed with pneumonia
alveolar consolidation (in 91%)
air bronchograms (in 97%) – distinguishes pneumonia from obstructive atelectasis if dynamic
less common:
interstitial pattern
focal suggests pneumonia
consider pneumonia if bilateral but with
irregular and thickened pleura
↓ sliding
small subpleural consolidations (d/dx pulmonary infarction)
fluid bronchograms
pleural effusions
with CT as gold standard
USS 95% sensitivity, 99% specificity
CXR 85% sensitivity, 67% specificity
use of a single AP film in supine position may contribute to poor performance of CXR – but reflects common practice locally
similar to pneumonia
suggested lumpy thickened pleura, subpleural consolidation (V-shaped irregularity with black fluid below pleural line) and ↑ B-lines (white lung) predict disease severity ?evidence
in small studies, substantially outperforms auscultation and CXR in diagnosis of pleural effusion, alveolar consolidation, and alveolar interstitial syndrome
advantages vs AP chest include
imaging retrocardiac consolidations
potential cost, radiation, transport, time savings
↓ risk of drainage
see changes with ↑ PEEP
note complications e. g. RMB intubation
Impediments and limitations
subcutaneous emphysema
pleural calcifications
interpretation tricky with multiple pathologies (these patients were excluded from some studies eg. BLUE protocol study)
can’t distinguish transudate from exudate
only medium agreement on κ statistic between observers on some diagnoses
potential for studies to overstate accuracy vs other imaging modalities because clinician will integrate other information (though practically useful)
need for training – varies between studies
2 months: Lichtenstein D, Goldstein I, Mourgeon E, Cluzel P, Grenier P, Rouby J-J. Comparative diagnostic performances of auscultation, chest radiography, and lung ultrasonography in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Anesthesiology 2004;100:9–15
30 mins: Bedetti et al for basic assessment of bilateral B-lines
acquisition and maintenance costs
potentially vector of resistant pathogens
push to cubicle, startup, scanning, reporting, shutdown, cleaning
BLUE protocol
devised by Lichtenstein et al, to be used in hypoxic (blue) patients
Lichtenstein DA, Mezière GA. Relevance of lung ultrasound in the diagnosis of acute respiratory failure: the BLUE protocol. Chest 2008;134:117–25
upper BLUE-point is at the middle of the upper hand
lower BLUE-point is at the middle of the lower palm
PLAPS point is intersection of horizontal line at level of lower BLUE-point and vertical line at posterior axillary line
Cover image: Aerial view of Hapuna Beach on the Big Island of Hawaii
Tags: DDU DDU Notes
Great, concise review.
Dr. Lichtenstein advocates the micro-convex probe for all applications of crítica ultrasound.