Aidan Burrell

Im an ICU consultant and lover of all things ultrasound. I began training in vascular surgery, but moved over to critical care and ultrasound in 2010. In 2012 I completed my DDU and a fellowship in heart failure and cardiac transplantation. My PhD looked at right ventricular failure in critically unwell patients.


Li Huey Tan


I’m currently pursuing the DDU (Crit Care) as intensive care consultant in Melbourne. I’ve discovered the joys and utility of echocardiography in looking after critically unwell patients. I started my training pre ultrasound days for procedures but have now moved to doing most under ultrasound guidance. I’ve also used ultrasound for regional blocks. I used to play a lot of video games, which may explain my fascination with screens and tasks which require good hand-eye coordination! Like the other contributors on this site, I would consider myself an “echo-holic”!


Lloyd Roberts

I’m an intensivist at the Alfred ICU who loves using and teaching ultrasound (including on our courses). I’m also interested in mechanical cardiac supports, data science and machine learning.


Michael Farquharson

I am an ICU consultant working in South Australia. I completed the graduate certificate in critical care echocardiography from UQ a couple of years ago and have been using ultrasound daily ever since. I am enthusiastic about teaching and want to make sure intensivists know the distinction between a complete echo and a focused cardiac ultrasound.
In my spare time I like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain……


Tom Rozen

I am a Specialist Intensive Care Physician with a DDU (Crit Care) with interests that extend across the spectrum of Adult and Paediatric Critical Care including: ultrasound and echocardiography, resuscitation, extracorporeal support and information exchange via novel platforms.


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