As seen on INTENSIVE, fantastic work from Josh Ihle, Lloyd Roberts and Chris Nickson:
Bedside echo is becoming an integral part of intensive care medicine, offering real time haemodynamic evaluation. Although not everyone is expected to be an expert, every intensive care specialist should be able to obtain the basic views and perform a ‘level 1’ study.
This video explains how to perform a ‘level 1 plus’ study, which includes not only basic questions of a level one study, but also explains how to obtain some valuable measurements such as PA pressures and cardiac output.
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If you want to learn more about transthoracic echocardiography check out the Alfred Critical Care Ultrasound and Echocardiography courses. Find out more about their courses and how to enrol, at The Alfred ICU Courses.
Also, learn more by watching the video on Ultrasound Principles, also used by The Alfred ICU Echo courses.
First posted on INTENSIVE on 14th May 2014.
Tags: basic echo level 1+ TTE TTE tutorial
thanks a lot,for making echo easy.
This is very good.i went through similar lectures,but this is very practical and useful in daily routine.
Pl tell us how to estimate lvf and ejection fraction in simplified way to do in ER regularly ,quickly.